
How to select the affiliate products in JVZoo, ClickBank and ShareASale.

In this article you are going to get info on how to select best the affiliate products that you can market with your landing pages.

Before reading this article you might also want to read how to make money with email marketing and landing pages here.

Starting or creating the accounts with affiliate networks like ShareASale, JVZoo and ClickBank is absolutely free.

So only thing you should be careful with is selecting products from these network places.

To make money out of these products you are going to invest in the online ads like Google ads or Facebook ads and for many the budget is limited.

So at the end of your marketing campaign you definitely want to see sales and want to see earnings more than spending. Right !!

No one wants to see their ads budget burning in vain.

So the amount of profit you generate is dependent on the product or service quality.

Each affiliate network have different criteria or standards for all their merchants or products.

On the basis of these standards or criteria you can decide about that product that whether you should promote them or not.

So let’s begin.

How to select any affiliate product or service :

So let’s see how to select the affiliate products on the basis of the different criteria or standards these affiliate networks have.

1) How to select products in the ShareASale affiliate network.

ShareASale (affiliate link) have set standards and criteria like EPC and Power rank etc.

  • Simply to select a product or merchant from ShareASale you would like to select a product that will give you more sales percentage for sure.

  • Secondly you might also like to decide the products on the basis of its power rank. Power rank is showing the ranks of the top performing products and services.

    So based on the power rank you can expect to have more results regarding sales as the higher the rank the more sales friendly the product is.

  • You can also check the ShareASale (affiliate link) look-book to know more about the best performing products with ShareASale. Also you can get the look book twice a year for free.

  • You can also judge the product or service on the basis of EPC which is called Earnings Per Hundred Clicks. So the more the EPC the more chances you have to generate a sale with that product. It should help you in deciding your Ads budget.

  • Average reversal rate is also very important while taking a decision to select any affiliate product. If you see more reversal rate for any product then it is better to look for a different or alternative to that product.

  • The cookie duration period is also very important while judging any product. So you might like the products which have longer cookie duration period.

  • You would also like to take your decision about selecting the product on the basis of mobile and computer sales analysis. The mobile and computer sales analytics data can also be helpful in deciding how to spend your budget in the ads as well.

2) Selecting the affiliate products with ClickBank.

On ClickBank it is easier to decide a product or service as they clearly give one performance criteria that you can easily rely on without any doubt.

  • That criterion is “gravity”.

  • Gravity of any product in ClickBank tells you how well the product has been sold in a specified amount of time.

    So go for more “gravity” products if you are just starting up as there are more chances of getting a conversion with higher gravity products.

  • The other most important criterion you need to know before selecting any affiliate product is the amount of commission percentage you get with the product or service.

Make sure that you select the products that are giving higher commission percentage.

Try to find a good amount of balance between what you spend on ads and what you might get in hand after the campaign.

So do a good calculation before going for an ad campaign and before selecting any affiliate product.

In the end also make sure that you study the product or service wisely before promoting it. In the end you should be selling and promoting the genuine and trustworthy products and not the misleading and low quality products.

So always think as a customer first while selecting any affiliate product. Select the products to promote that you trust or have faith in.

3) Selecting the affiliate products with JVZoo.

With JVZoo you should better see the conversion rate of the products before selecting them.

The affiliate products with the higher conversion rates sell better so it is always better to go for the products which show higher conversion rates.

As per JVZoo blog here digital products sell better as they are easily available to customers plus you can expect greater commission rates with digital products.

So if you are absolutely confused from where to start and which products to select then think of starting with digital products.

Always do proper research before promoting any product as low quality products will bring dissatisfaction to your audience and eventually your campaign also might get affected.

So do thorough research and select the best products that can give you superb results.

Conclusion :

So concluding this article doing a bit more research before selecting any product would be a good thing to do if you want more sales and happy customers.

Talking about promoting these products you can read this article about how you can use some of the free and paid email marketing services and landing pages to promote these affiliate products.

No matter which platform it is whether it is ShareASale (affiliate link), JVZoo or ClickBank the above given criteria should always help you to take good decisions regarding selecting the products or services.

Always make sure that you select the good quality products with good conversion rates and commission rates to get the best results.

I think this much info is enough to select the best products from JVZoo, ShareASale and ClickBank.

Remember that starting out and creating an account with these affiliate networks is free so you if you are thinking of making money online there is nothing better than these networks.

I hope this article will be helpful.

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